World Heritage Day Celebration

18 Apr 2023

CSIBER's MBA Students ignite cultural splendor on World Heritage Day Celebration

World Heritage Day is an annual global observance held on April 18th, dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of safeguarding cultural heritage sites and monuments. It serves as a platform to highlight the intrinsic value of cultural heritage and the pressing need to protect it from potential damages or destruction caused by natural disasters, human activities, or urbanization. World Heritage Day, also known as International Day for Monuments and Sites, aims to celebrate the diverse cultures of the world and promote recognition and appreciation of cultural monuments and sites. The theme for World Heritage Day 2023 was "Heritage Changes," reflecting the evolving nature of our cultural heritage.

At CSIBER, Tourism Management students of the Department of MBA commemorated World Heritage Day on April 25, 2023, with a series of engaging activities. The program commenced with the screening of a captivating video titled "Pride of Kolhapur," which showcased the city's rich cultural heritage and its magnificent landmarks. The students then took center stage, presenting sketches of notable heritage sites located in and around Kolhapur. Through their artistic talent, they portrayed the architectural splendor and historical significance of these revered places. The celebration also involved a discussion on the distinctive features of Kolhapuri cuisine and dishes. The students delved into the region's culinary heritage, highlighting traditional recipes, local ingredients, and unique flavors that make Kolhapuri cuisine a treasured part of the city's cultural identity.

As part of the program, a live demonstration was conducted to showcase the art of adorning the Kolhapuri pheta, the traditional headgear that holds immense cultural value. The students skillfully demonstrated the intricate steps involved in tying and wearing the pheta, allowing the audience to appreciate its elegance and symbolism. Adding to the festive ambiance, the students infused the celebration with typical Kolhapuri punches and words, evoking laughter, and merriment among the participants. This lighthearted aspect of the event brought a sense of joy and camaraderie, reinforcing the importance of celebrating and preserving cultural heritage while fostering a strong sense of community. During the event, the students also took a solemn oath to uphold the legacy of Kolhapur and protect its cultural heritage for future generations. The significance of this pledge resonated with the audience, emphasizing the responsibility we all bear in safeguarding our shared heritage.

In her address, Prof. Priya Shah, the Activity Incharge, highlighted the significance of celebrating World Heritage Day and the role it plays in cultivating a deep appreciation for cultural heritage. She underscored the importance of preserving our rich past and passing it on to future generations as a testament to our collective history and identity. Guided by Prof. Madhura Mane, the MBA Chairperson, the students wholeheartedly embraced the spirit of World Heritage Day and ensured the success of the program. Their enthusiasm, creativity, and commitment to showcasing Kolhapur's cultural heritage contributed to a vibrant and memorable celebration.

As the program drew to a close, a vote of thanks was extended to all the participants, organizers, and supporters who contributed to making the event a resounding success. The commemoration of World Heritage Day at CSIBER served as a powerful reminder of the importance of cultural heritage preservation and the role each individual can play in fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for our shared global heritage. The students of CSIBER's tourism management department passionately celebrated World Heritage Day by showcasing the beauty and uniqueness of Kolhapur's cultural heritage through sketches, culinary discussions, traditional demonstrations, and an oath to protect the city's legacy. The event, guided by dedicated faculty members, exemplified the institution's commitment to nurturing a strong sense of cultural appreciation.


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