“embrace equity” - International Women’s Day

08 Mar 2023

“embrace equity” - International Women’s Day celebrated at CSIBER 


International Women’s Day on the theme #embrace equity was celebrated with grandeur on 8 March 2023 in Radhabai Shinde Hall, CSIBER. The guests Mrs. Gauri Shirgaonkar, Promoter SB Reshellers, Synergy Green, and Major Gugmalathy A. were felicitated by Director Dr. S P Rath and Mrs. Madhura Mane, Chairperson, MBA Programme during the event.

The guest introduction was given by Dr. Vishakha Apte. Meanwhile, Director Dr. Rath in his opening remarks highlighted the equal representation of males and females in the teaching staff of CSIBER. 

A lecture on the topic “Gender Diversity and Workplace Culture” by Mrs. Shirgaonkar was organized by the MBA department. The speaker presented information from different reports that enunciated the poor representation of women in top positions in different fields. She also discussed the stereotypes and other obstacles that pose problems for women to have thriving careers despite being equally competent as their male counterparts. Mrs. Shirgaonkar also discussed how a culture conducive atmosphere helps in having people of different genders come together and work cohesively. She emphasized developing this behavior in organizations.

The second guest for the event was Major Gugamalathy A., Administrative Officer, 6th Maharashtra Girls Bn, NCC, Kolhapur. She spoke on how challenging it is for women to have a successful career in defense services. She applauded the sacrifice of the women married to men who serve in the defence services as she said these wives take additional responsibilities due to the absence of their husbands at home. She encouraged the students to consider a career in defence as a career option and shared some of her experiences serving as a Major in the Indian Army. 

The unique term “MOMPRENEURS” was coined by the organisers of this event. The department identified mothers of students who have businesses and are contributing to empowering other women in society. These students were given the task of introducing such mothers and their accomplishments. These mothers were felicitated by the hands of the guests. Students in large numbers attended this highly motivating program. 


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