The Transformative Impact of Workshop on Hands-on Session with AJAX Technologies on Enhancing Student Employability

A one-day workshop on ‘Hands-on Sessions with AJAX Technologies’ was organized for MCA-I (Sem-II) students at Chhatrapati Shahu Institute of Business Education and Research (CSIBER) on the 11th of March 2024. This event began from 11 AM to 4 PM and was attended by 60 students who were given practical insights on the importance of use of Document Object Model (DOM) and AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) for updating the DOM in real-time situations.

The goal of the session was to provide attendees with a thorough understanding of AJAX, a vital piece of technology for asynchronous client-server communication in contemporary web development. By facilitating data interchange without necessitating a complete page refresh, this technology improves user experience by increasing the responsiveness and dynamic nature of web applications. Another workshop focus is on DOM updation, which is the process of manipulating webpage elements to create interactive user interfaces by responding to user activities or data changes.

The workshop went through various important areas one of which was on DOM Updation whereby seekers understood how they can change and update the Document Object Model to be able to come up with dynamic web pages. There were also sections about creating AJAX requests on the client side using both JavaScript and jQuery accompanied by practical sessions that aimed at increasing comprehensibility. Added to this, there were classes for students on how to work with AJAX GET/POST requests including what they are, the disparity between them, and effective treatment of them. The workshop also offered learners the chance to examine and manage details obtained through AJAX applications in the form of XML or JSON that come from online data. Consequently, it made sure that participants got hands-on practical knowledge that they could put into use after completion of the training during real-life situations in website designing or development.

For learning; the workshop availed different resources like DOM-based updating programs, AJAX-based programming which are used in updating documents instantly by combining multiple files over the internet instead of doing so separately and maintaining older versions alongside new versions, comprehensive documentation that helps students in understanding theory alongside practical works; besides how to put it all together using java-script as well as other necessary terms for example (HTML tags). Environment setup i.e. XAMPP installation which many people, especially those who are doing PHP development, find it necessary to use were shown the process. Uploading materials on Google Classroom which can be easily located by learners was another important part of this training.

The one-day AJAX technologies workshop at CSIBER played a significant role in helping participants understand contemporary web development practices. The workshop was geared towards practical classes, enabling students to not only understand theory but also apply it practically, making them more employable and prepared for work challenges.


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