Harmonizing Workplace Dynamics: Lessons from CSIBER's HR Conclave on Industrial Relations

The HR in Action student club of the School of Business at CSIBER organized a thought-provoking HR Conclave centered around the theme of "Industrial Relations," in collaboration with HR Forum India. This event served as a platform for industry experts, trade union leaders, production managers, HR managers, and students to engage in insightful discussions and exchange valuable perspectives.

Representatives from esteemed companies in Kolhapur, including KOEL, Dana Incorporated, Maurya Group, and SB Reshellers, graced the event. These organizations have garnered acclaim for their effective handling of industrial relations over the years, making them ideal contributors to the conclave.

The dialogue at the conclave was multifaceted, with trade union leaders articulating their expectations from management while production managers elucidated on management's expectations from workers. HR managers from the participating companies shed light on their pivotal role in fostering harmonious industrial relations within the organizational framework.

Real-life examples cited during the discussions provided attendees, particularly HR specialization students, with invaluable insights and practical learning experiences. These anecdotes served to contextualize theoretical concepts and underscored the importance of adeptly managing industrial relations in the workplace.

The conclave reached its zenith with a moderated discussion led by CSIBER Alumnus and HR/IR Manager of Dana Incorporated, Mr. Anant Patil. Drawing from his extensive experience, Mr. Patil navigated through the challenges faced by HR managers and offered strategic approaches to resolving conflicts between management and employees. His insights served as a guiding beacon for aspiring HR professionals seeking to navigate the complexities of industrial relations effectively.

The seamless coordination of the event was attributed to the tireless efforts of the students and the guidance provided by Dr. Bindu Menon and Mrs. M K Mane. Their dedication ensured that the conclave not only met but exceeded expectations, leaving participants enriched with newfound knowledge and inspired to spearhead positive changes in their respective domains.


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