Empowering Rural Communities: A Four-Day Journey of Social Transformation with CSIBER

The M.S.W.-I students of CSIBER embarked on a transformative journey during a Rural Camp held from April 16th to 19th, 2024, under the guidance of Dr. T.V.G. Sarma, overseeing Roll Nos 51 to 75. Nestled in the quaint confines of Koge Village, Kolhapur, the camp became a beacon of community engagement and social empowerment.

From the outset, the camp aimed to immerse students in the fabric of rural life, fostering cooperative relationships with the villagers. The inaugural day commenced with a vibrant Shevar Pheri, a rally designed to stir awareness among villagers about the camp's mission and activities. Despite the absence of political figures due to election code constraints, the inaugural session saw robust attendance, facilitated by the participation of esteemed village elders.

The subsequent day saw a synergy of healthcare and community outreach. Collaborating with Aster-Aadhar Hospital, Kolhapur, the students orchestrated a free medical camp, attended by 51 villagers, spanning generations and genders. Notably, the utilization of a public announcement system in Ghanta Gadi showcased innovative mobilization strategies, epitomizing the students' grasp of social initiatives. Continuing their quest for community immersion, students embarked on a Digital Rural Survey, leveraging technology to document the village's socio-cultural landscape. This hands-on experience provided invaluable insights into social survey methodologies and online data collection.

The third day pivoted towards youth and women empowerment. Initiatives such as a drawing competition for schoolchildren and a spirited cricket match underscored the students' commitment to holistic development. Concurrently, health and hygiene workshops, spearheaded by female students, disseminated vital information to women in the village, fostering a culture of well-being.

The final day culminated in a multifaceted program aimed at technological literacy and community engagement. Professor Mahantesh Patil, Dr. Shruti Jamsandekar, and Dr. Rajini Kamat facilitated computer literacy sessions for both Mahila Bachatgat members and children, emphasizing the importance of technology in modern life. Furthermore, the Haldi KumKum program provided a platform for intimate discussions on prevalent social issues, enriching the student's understanding of community dynamics.

As the camp drew to a close, the villagers expressed profound gratitude for the transformative impact of the four-day endeavor. The resounding success of the program elicited invitations for its continuation in the following year, affirming its status as a catalyst for sustainable change. 


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