Letter to Alumni

Dear Alum,

CSIBER feels proud to welcome You, our alumni around the globe. Alumni are our greatest ambassadors and an invaluable resource to the institute.
Many of you must have established yourselves as a successful Professional, Entrepreneur, Technocrat, Businessman, Social worker, Academician and
above all as a responsible Citizen. We and the extended CSIBER Family work to provide means that facilitate
meaningful relationships between You and the Institute. Our primary objective is to increase the ways in which we interact and build closer
relationships with you. Remember that life at CSIBER does not end when you graduate; it continues, grows and thrives.
We are here to support you and want you to stay connected and active through the programs and events we organise, including but not limited to:

  • Career Networking ( e.g. Siberites Helping Siberites)
  • Incubation and Start up Activities
  • Reunions
  • Delivering Lectures to Current Students. Both on Campus or Online.
  • Helping us design Syllabi for new age and applied courses.
  • Giving Back to Students in need by way of Scholarships (Individual,Memorial or Group)
  • Research Projects in conjunction with the Staff or Students.
  • Other Extension Activities such as Market Research.
  • Industry Visits, and more Importantly;
  • Rigorous Applied Internships for the current Students.

Also, we ask you and, to encourage other alumni to follow us and contribute to our social media pages on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and be a part
of a social professional network which will facilitate networking among CSIBER alum’s and keep us updated about your professional achievements.
If you have suggestions for alumni events in your area or ideas for improving communication, please let us know. We would love to hear
about your Experience at CSIBER, Career Journey and Success stories. Contact the Alumni Relations Office @ alumni_relations@siberindia.edu.in
or 0231-2535706, or any member of the Alumni Executive committee. If you are interested in becoming a member of the CSIBER Alumni
Association click here ( membership registration form link) to fill out the information.

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you back on campus soon.

Best Regards,
CSIBER Family.


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